A look inside on how Hemlock Semiconductor uses Sigmafine for day to day production of highly pure polysilicon for the electronic and solar power industry.

Recorded October 22nd, 2020

Sigmafine in the Semiconductor Chemicals Industry

HSC has been using and expanding upon Sigmafine for nearly a decade to help with inventory control and quality. We have built a model of our entire plant with Sigmafine and are monitoring every major flow to and from all of our columns, tanks, and reactors. While we are currently only doing mass balances, we do plan, after upgrading to Sigmafine 4.7, to start implementing component balances around key sections of the plant that are too “black box-like” in our current model. 

One of the ways we have expanded upon Sigmafine is by integrating it with our SAP HANA instance. We have extended the Asset Framework templates, in addition to creating many of our own, to specify what materials are in each stream and whether those streams consume or produce that material. Using custom AF SDK-based applications, upon case completion, the total production and consumption of each material is posted against our site’s inventory totals in SAP.   

All this said, most of the work is done by Sigmafine. The complexity of our model permits a holistic view of the process and site. Its tight integration with our PI system (which has been in place for more than 25 years) allows us to assess the plant’s operational “health” with remarkably little effort.

Todd McQuiston
Sr. System Specialist
Hemlock Semiconductors Operations, LLC
+1 (989) 301-6287

Todd McQuiston has worked as a PI administrator in the chemicals and semiconductor industry for 17 years, working for Dow Corning, Corp. and Hemlock Semiconductor, LLC in Michigan.

He also worked for OSIsoft for six years as a Sr. Field Service Engineer, helping customers install and expand their PI systems and teaching training courses.

His focus has been batch operations and the use of analytics with the PI system, as well as the use of analytics to simplify the modeling of distillation operations in Asset Framework. He holds a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Michigan Technological University.

Sigmafine Solutions for Power Generation

Sigmafine Solutions for Power Generation

This webinar discusses the Sigmafine reconciliation capabilities which minimize meter errors and other key features that facilitate business process automation. You will also hear how our customers, hybrid chemical-power and classical independent generators, rely on Sigmafine conditioned datasets to benefit their organization.

Conditioning Data for Advanced Energy Management Strategies

Learn how to extend the use of Sigmafine for energy management and energy efficiency monitoring

Migrating Performance Equations to AF Analytics

Migrating Performance Equations to AF Analytics

Learn everything there is to know about the PE2AF utility from David Soll, Omicron’s CTO. Turn your project into a success and start reaping the benefits of AF adoption.

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