Sigmafine Extension - Thermodynamics

Making advanced engineering calculations​ easier, faster, more reliable, and more accurate

The Thermodynamics Extension enables the embedding of thermodynamic calculations in a Sigmafine Model.  Based on well-proven thermodynamic methods for the characterization of multicomponent mixtures, Sigmafine can expose such results for the calculation of KPIs like equipment work, duty, or efficiency, removing the need to post-process data in Excel or other engineering tools since everything resides in the structure of the Sigmafine model. Equations of state used by the Sigmafine Extension address specifically the needs of the oil & gas industry.

Sigmafine - Transforming Data into Digital Assets


  • Able to handle multi-component mixtures and evaluate vapor-liquid equilibrium and estimate thermodynamic properties through the use of equations of state (Peng-Robinson and Soave-Redlich-Kwong)
  • Includes a database of physical property correlations for a large number of chemical species to complement the predictions of the equations of state, especially for the liquid phase
  • Able to predict properties of petroleum assays based on the definition of an array of pseudo-components and their laboratory distillation curve
  • The most common properties that can be evaluated are vaporization fraction, composition of each phase, enthalpy and entropy of mixture or of a specific phase, density, compressibility factor, specific heat, etc.
  • Natively designed to work within PI AF


  • Evaluates thermodynamics properties of hydrocarbon mixtures and crude oils as well as several chemical species
  • Infer non-measurable information from direct process measurements​
  • Fully configurable within the Sigmafine model without the need of calling external programs
  • Configure and manage complex equations​ and calculation chains
  • Designed to be used by Sigmafine energy balance to provide specific energy figures to be used as input to the analysis
  • Display and share KPI’s based on advanced engineering calculations​
  • Make Sigmafine suitable to support an energy management program


  • Calculate un-measurable process data such as enthalpy, density, vaporized fraction, etc., bringing performance monitoring to the next level.
  • Engineers and energy managers are presented with actionable KPIs based on well-proven thermodynamic methods.
  • Process insight and faster reaction time.
  • Inherits years of field use in projects coupled with Sigmafine's energy balance.

In just one example, the Thermodynamics Extension improved the operation of a crude oil topping furnace by inferring non-measurable variables such as vaporized fraction of the crude oil, process heat duty, and heat losses.

Yearly savings of more than $300,000 USD. 


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