Presented by

Andrew Nathan
Senior Systems Engineer

Presentation from the Sigmafine Summit in Houston, October 23, 2019.

OSIsoft: Real-Time Data Strategy for Advanced Oil & Gas Operations – Houston

This presentation will look at how the use of real-time data has changed significantly across the Oil & Gas industry, from relatively straightforward historian technology towards advanced real-time data platforms.

It will explore how these platforms can provide mechanisms for the most advanced Oil & Gas operators to build layers of operational intelligence around all their different types of equipment which then act as the basis for real-time data storage, analysis, modelling, predictions and automated workflows.

It will explain how vast quantities of data can be analysed in near real-time, KPI’s and operational parameters automatically calculated, data quality checked and patterns and events in data easily recognized and acted upon to ensure that operations continue to run as smoothly as possible.

The advent of all this functionality within the modern real-time data platform has changed the way in which interactions with tools such as Sigmafine takes place and new opportunities have arisen as a result.

Presented by

Andrew Nathan
Senior Systems Engineer

Andrew Nathan is a Senior Systems Engineer with OSISoft. He has spent more than 10 years in the Oil & Gas industry, specifically in the midstream and downstream industries, focusing on steady state and dynamic process simulation, operator training, analytics, visualization and 3D virtual environments.

He holds a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Michigan State University and Ph.D. in Polymer Science from the University of Akron.

Sigmafine Solutions for Power Generation

Sigmafine Solutions for Power Generation

This webinar discusses the Sigmafine reconciliation capabilities which minimize meter errors and other key features that facilitate business process automation. You will also hear how our customers, hybrid chemical-power and classical independent generators, rely on Sigmafine conditioned datasets to benefit their organization.

Conditioning Data for Advanced Energy Management Strategies

Learn how to extend the use of Sigmafine for energy management and energy efficiency monitoring

Migrating Performance Equations to AF Analytics

Migrating Performance Equations to AF Analytics

Learn everything there is to know about the PE2AF utility from David Soll, Omicron’s CTO. Turn your project into a success and start reaping the benefits of AF adoption.

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