Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) Notice

Pimsoft investigates notices of copyright infringement and takes appropriate actions under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”), Title 17, United States Code, Section 512(c), as follows:

  • For purposes of providing written notice under the DMCA, Pimsoft has designated an agent with the United States Copyright Office (“Copyright Agent”). All written notification, pursuant to the DMCA, must be submitted to said designated Copyright Agent at the following address:

    DMCA Complaints
    C/O Roberto Spoladore
    757 North Eldridge Parkway, Suite 725
    Houston, Texas 77079, USA
    Tel: +1 281 920 9196

  • If you are a copyright owner or agent thereof and believe that third-party submitted content or materials, including photographs and digital images, (“Third-Party Submission”) available through this Site infringes upon your copyrights, you may submit written notification, pursuant to the DMCA, to Pimsoft’s Copyright Agent, identified above. To be effective, the written notification must include:
    • A physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed;
    • Identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed, or, if multiple copyrighted works at a single online site are covered by a single notification, a representative list of such works at that site;
    • Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of infringing activity and that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled, and information reasonably sufficient to permit the service provider to locate the material;
    • Information reasonably sufficient to permit the service provider to contact the complaining party, such as an address, telephone number, and, if available, an electronic mail address at which the complaining party may be contacted.
    • A statement that the complaining party has a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; and
    • A statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that the complaining party is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.
  • If you believe that your Third-Party Submission, which was removed (or to which access was disabled), is not infringing, or that you have authorization from the copyright owner, the copyright owner’s agent, or authority under the law, to publish or use the Third-Party Submission, you may submit a written counter-notice, pursuant to the DMCA, to Pimsoft’s Copyright Agent, identified above. To be effective, the written counter-notice must include:
    • Your physical or electronic signature;
    • Identification of the material that has been removed or to which access has been disabled and the location at which the material appeared before it was removed or access to it was disabled;
    • A statement under penalty of perjury that you have a good faith belief that the material was removed or disabled as a result of mistake or misidentification of the material; and
    • Your name, address, and telephone number, and a statement that you consent to the jurisdiction of the Federal District Court for the judicial district in which your address is located (or Dallas County, State of Texas, if your address is outside of the United States), and that you will accept service of process from the person, or the person’s agent, who provided notification of the alleged copyright infringement.
  • If a counter-notice is received by Pimsoft’s Copyright Agent, Pimsoft may send a copy of the counter-notice to the original complaining party (or agent thereof) informing that person that Pimsoft may replace the removed Third-Party Submission or cease disabling it in ten (10) business days. Unless the copyright owner (or agent thereof) files an action seeking a court order against the provider of the Third-Party Submission, the removed Third-Party Submission may be replaced, or access to it restored, in ten (10) to fourteen (14) business days or more after receipt of the counter-notice, at Pimsoft’s sole discretion.

Please note that under Section 512(f) of the DMCA, any person who knowingly materially misrepresents that material or activity is infringing, or that material or activity was removed or disabled by mistake or identification, will be liable for any damages, including costs and attorneys’ fees, incurred by the alleged infringer, by any copyright owner or copyright owner’s authorized licensee, or by a service provider (such as or including Pimsoft), who is injured by such misrepresentation, as the result of the service provider relying upon such misrepresentation in removing or disabling access to the material or activity claimed to be infringing, or in replacing the removed material or ceasing to disable access to it. Accordingly, if you are uncertain whether Third-Party Submission infringes your or others’ copyrights, please consult with a copyright attorney prior to making a notice under the DMCA.

Contact Information

To ask questions or comment about Copyright Contact Us.

Americas & APAC

Pimsoft Inc.
757 N. Eldridge Parkway, Suite 725
Houston, TX, 77079,  USA

Phone: +1 (281) 920-9196
Fax: +1 (281) 754-4421


Pimsoft S.p.A.
Via Bertolotti 7
10121 Turin, ITALY

Phone: +39 011 5625213
Fax: +39 011 5637744

© 2023 Pimsoft. All rights reserved. Sigmafine®, SigmafineHub®, and SigmafineVisualizer®are registered trademarks of Pimsoft. All other trademarks or trade names used are the property of their respective owners.

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